Retraction of purified water drainage well Treatment Plant 1А
Withdrawal of purified water in a ditch Treatment Plant 1
Retraction of purified water drainage well Treatment Plant 1
Withdrawal of purified water in a ditch Treatment Plant 2
Withdrawal of purified water in a ditch Treatment Plant 3
Retraction of purified water drainage well Treatment Plant 3
Withdrawal of purified water in a ditch Treatment Plant 4
Retraction of purified water drainage well Treatment Plant 4
Withdrawal of purified water in a ditch Treatment Plant 5
Retraction of purified water drainage well Treatment Plant 5
Withdrawal of purified water in a ditch Treatment Plant 6
Retraction of purified water drainage well Treatment Plant 6
Withdrawal of purified water in a ditch Treatment Plant 7
Retraction of purified water drainage well Treatment Plant 7
Withdrawal of purified water in a ditch Treatment Plant 8
Retraction of purified water drainage well Treatment Plant 8
كتيب عن محطة معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي للمدن الصغيرة